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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Path of Rib Bone Arches

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This room is within Aequtus.

Center map on A Path of Rib Bone Arches

 A Path of Rib Bone Arches                              -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

Barely discernible luminescent creatures in the sand give the floor an
eerie green glow the further you step through the arches.  Individually they
would be unnoticeable but as a colony, they create a significant effect. 
Jovial scenes etched onto the ribs give way to disturbing scenes of a single
siren being dragged at the end of a rope of seaweed through the town. 
Obviously, the inhabitants appear to be unhappy with the siren and are
throwing shells at her as she is lead by.  Underwater life is apparently not
that different from the more dangerous parts of Alyria's topside towns.