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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Midcastle

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This room is within Aequtus.

Center map on The Midcastle

 The Midcastle                                          -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
 WARNING: You are in a NEUTRAL PLAYER KILLING room.     -      S     SE

Whirlwinds of green vapor, icy rain, and salt water whip across the
scarred wooden ship.  Nothing remains that isn't hopelessly brittle to
anchor oneself to in the raging tempest.  Deadly strokes of lightning arc
from the sky and threaten to incinerate anyone who remains above deck. 
Relentless waves send the enormous whaling ship rolling side to side, almost
capsizing it with every heave.  
Swirling ominously overhead are large storm clouds, lit by occasional flashes of lightning.


NPK rooms