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Cwn Annwn

Room: Eagle Lair

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This room is within Rune Forest.

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 Eagle Lair                                             -      N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

High above, you can see large creatures swirling and circling in the
skies.  Judging from their high-pitched calls, you are certain they are
members of the guard patrol.  Eagles!  You marvel at how birds take care of
themselves when their entire race is under attack - eagles have always been
birds of prey but it seems they are willing to protect this bird village at
all costs.  You should leave now before these eagles return for there have
tales of how these birds tear up their victims into pieces and rip their
bones apart to scare you out of your wits.  
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.