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Cwn Annwn

Room: Eagle Lair

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This room is within Rune Forest.

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Center map on Eagle Lair

 Eagle Lair                                             NW     N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

This is another of the four guard stations for the bird village.  There
is hardly any sign of life except for the presence of the eagle guards. 
Cautiously, you back away from the glittering coldness that emanates from
their eyes before they take any notice of you.  You really wouldn't want to
know what sort of treatment they would give for any intruders.  
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.
A ferocious-looking eagle guard watching you with his sharp eyes.