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Cwn Annwn

Room: Office of the Master of Clans

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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Center map on Office of the Master of Clans

 Office of the Master of Clans                          -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      -      -

Sitting behind a stone desk is the Master of Clans.  A large wooden
filing cabinet on the west wall looks to be overflowing with pieces of
parchment with tally marks written all over them.  The Clan Master's desk is
also strewn with the same marked parchments.  He does a lot of accounting
work, and as you arrive, he makes an almost unnoticeable sigh.  Although he
is obviously overworked, his reputation for keeping an accurate track of the
clans is reknowned worldwide.
A tall, powerfully-built man in a black cloak is seated behind an oak desk.