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Cwn Annwn

Room: Castle Stairwell

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This room is within Runic Castle.

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Center map on Castle Stairwell

 Castle Stairwell                                       -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      #      -

You are standing in a small castle stairwell with bare stone floors and
walls.  The air here is stale from lack of ventilation.  The stairwell lead
up eventually to one of the castle watch towers.  This stairwell was meant
for use by patrol guards only.  WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?  
An elite sentry of the guard patrol stands solemnly on duty.
An elite sentry of the guard patrol stands solemnly on duty.
An elite sentry of the guard patrol stands solemnly on duty.
An elite sentry of the guard patrol stands solemnly on duty.
An elite sentry of the guard patrol stands solemnly on duty.