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Cwn Annwn

Room: Across the Writhing Runes

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This room is within Temple of Sumter.

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 Across the Writhing Runes                              -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

Out of a flash of flame and lightning, two entities arise.  Giant
humanoids made of lightning and fire step from the smoke to reach for you;
your heart leaps in terror at the idea of being burned to death this far
from home.  Hands trembling, you attempt to steady your weapon and prepare
to make an attempt to defend yourself.  
A humanoid composed of lightning stands on an eternal vigil.
A pyre of flame flickers in the darkness, guarding the bridge.
A lightning golem begins attacking you!
A lightning golem is in perfect health.
A humanoid composed of lightning stands on an eternal vigil.
A pyre of flame flickers in the darkness, guarding the bridge.