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Cwn Annwn

Room: Gulf Street

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 Gulf Street                                            -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

During high tide great waves crash against the reinforced wall that
follows the coast of lower Cormyre and sea birds circle overhead.  Drunken
sailors appear from dark alleys and it seems that more sinister figures lurk
in the shadows.  Checking to ensure your coin pouch is intact, you hurry on
to your destination.  North is a factory making cigars for export to the
rest of the world.  The smell of cigar smoke drifts in from the north.  
     A tall obelisk radiates a blanket of magical silence all around it.
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.
A squab is looking for scraps when you scare it.