Room: Templeton Pier
This room is within Templeton.
Templeton Pier - - - (-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E - - - You are standing on the famous pier of Templeton City. The breeze is coming off of the gentle tide waters of the ocean and the smell of sweet salt is in the air. The pier is very new, and is some indication of how this town is run. It looks like the citizens of this town like to show off about the utter beauty of their town. The pier extends off to the east where it meets with a street. From here the town to the east has many walls denoting that this town was sectioned into quarters. This may be one way that the locals keep control over their citizens. The pier extends off to where the ships dock, as this part of the dock is more on land itself, and is just for looks. Some water splashes up on the rocks beneath where fishermen sometimes catch fish that are caught in the eddies and rocks. A sign is posted on a pole here.