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Cwn Annwn

Room: Intersection of Falkirk and Stenas

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This room is within Templeton.

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Center map on Intersection of Falkirk and Stenas

 Intersection of Falkirk and Stenas                     -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Stenas Road is a major thoroughfare through the center of Templeton.  It
leads all the way through the southern side of Market Square, and connects
up with all the major roads in town.  It also leads to the shipyards that
are off to the west.  The road is constructed from cobblestone and it is
well maintained.  
A very large stray cat is searching for a meal here.
This elf citizen is walking down the street enjoying the day.