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Cwn Annwn

Room: An Inviting Porch

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This room is within The Towne of New Rigel.

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 An Inviting Porch                                      -      N      - 
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This porch is quite comforting, particularly among the backdrop of the
Thieves Forest.  Numerous plants sit in pots on the railing, basking in the
New Rigel's pleasant climate.  The roof is made of reinforced glass, acting
something like a greenhouse.  To prevent the occupants of the porch from
getting too tanned, however, each of the rocking chairs and sofas have
makeshift overhangs covering them.  On the whole, this is quite an inviting
porch, to say nothing of the interior of the small, white cottage itself.  
A grumpy-looking oldster with frightening eyebrows sits here, rocking.
A crotchety old man says, 'Go 'way, don't bother me.'
A grumpy-looking oldster with frightening eyebrows sits here, rocking.