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Cwn Annwn

Room: Jasmine's Bordello

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 Jasmine's Bordello                                     -      -      - 
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Jasmine's Bordello has been rated as the best bordello in the land. 
Jasmine gets girls for her establishment from the tropical regions in the
world and as a consequence they all have nice tans.  The room itself is well
lighted with soft music in the background from a small bard playing soothing
There is a sign tacked to the wall.
The lovely Jasmine is here batting her eyes at everyone who enters.
A male prostitute is here waiting to give pleasure to the ladies.
A hooker is here waiting for her next customer.

A hooker is here waiting for her next customer.
A male prostitute is here waiting to give pleasure to the ladies.
The lovely Jasmine is here batting her eyes at everyone who enters.