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Cwn Annwn

Room: Rachel's Hideaway

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This room is within Templeton.

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 Rachel's Hideaway                                      -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

You step into Rachel's Hideaway and immediately notice that this is a
high-class establishment.  It is very different from the area of town that
it is in.  Dawn wants her place to be as nice looking as possible, and makes
sure that her customers are well pleased.  There are curtains in the back
leading to some rooms.  A sign above the door says 'No Minors.'  There is a
list on the wall of what tricks the ladies will do.  
The lovely Rachel is here helping her customers enjoy themselves.
A lady of the night is here waiting for her next trick.

The lovely Rachel is here helping her customers enjoy themselves.
A lady of the night is here waiting for her next trick.