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Cwn Annwn

Room: Second Street

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This room is within Templeton.

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Center map on Second Street

 Second Street                                          -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

The numbering of streets was first invented in this very town.  The
locals who first built homes in this part of town here just hard working
fisherman who did not care much for naming streets.  They decided to mark
the streets with a number, going from the first street they made and
increasing with each new street.  Each of the numbered streets is built from
a fine cement mixture made from the sand of the nearby beaches.  It has a
yellowish color unlike other types of cement that can be found around town. 
A town guard is standing here observing the citizens.
'I saw one of those cult members duck into a house on the southwest side of town, did you see which they went into?' a Templeton town guard asks.