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Cwn Annwn

Clan #18: Sanguine

Members Clanhall location Alliance
32 (370, 1215) Inverted Magenta


Clan member Joined Hours this month Last seen
1 Klaus (163:241) Unknown 136387 37.9 hours 2023-06-27 06:17 pm
2 Corinim (78:241) Unknown 0 0.0 hours 2012-07-31 08:13 pm
3 Oaf (112:241) Unknown 20220 5.6 hours 2021-11-08 10:43 pm
4 Dragonlily (60:240) 1019254667 2002-04-19 10:17 pm 0 0.0 hours 2015-08-14 10:25 pm
5 Liberatorz (91:241) 1082281998 2004-04-18 09:53 am 1260 0.3 hours 2020-04-09 04:18 am
6 Phreak (136:241) 1087019057 2004-06-12 05:44 am 0 0.0 hours 2014-07-17 08:13 pm
7 Kidsteele (149:241) 1113280825 2005-04-12 04:40 am 2930108 813.9 hours 2023-03-10 09:05 pm
8 Dwarfius (132:241) 1113622652 2005-04-16 03:37 am 0 0.0 hours 2017-05-27 06:33 pm
9 Karynn (161:241) 1129008964 2005-10-11 05:36 am 0 0.0 hours 2012-06-10 12:22 pm
10 Virgil (113:241) 1135931068 2005-12-30 08:24 am 77040 21.4 hours 2022-04-13 05:36 pm
11 Jorne (131:241) 1152377229 2006-07-08 04:47 pm 3074 0.9 hours 2020-08-06 11:18 pm
12 Zerophyre (169:241) 1174373466 2007-03-20 06:51 am 33695778 9359.9 hours 2023-07-26 04:36 am
13 Egoful (143:241) 1178771281 2007-05-10 04:28 am 536641 149.1 hours 2021-11-10 04:31 am
14 Chron (102:241) 1183706533 2007-07-06 07:22 am 91560 25.4 hours 2021-11-10 02:51 pm
15 Elmador (84:241) 1208231831 2008-04-15 03:57 am 0 0.0 hours 2016-11-20 01:28 am
16 Redwing (163:241) 1246563300 2009-07-02 07:35 pm 0 0.0 hours 2017-09-17 10:40 am
17 Primus (78:241) 1257812700 2009-11-10 12:25 am 1260 0.3 hours 2021-09-11 05:17 pm
18 Vlia (63:241) 1266879300 2010-02-22 10:55 pm 0 0.0 hours 2014-06-08 04:54 pm
19 Garok (157:241) 1268092020 2010-03-08 11:47 pm 25766829 7157.5 hours 2023-07-24 02:41 am
20 Saker (103:241) 1269992040 2010-03-30 11:34 pm 148979 41.4 hours 2022-05-24 07:37 am
21 Yorke (65:241) 1288743660 2010-11-03 12:21 am 0 0.0 hours 2016-12-16 08:15 am
22 Biran (101:241) 1298657700 2011-02-25 06:15 pm 4689085 1302.5 hours 2023-05-10 01:01 am
23 Nicci (60:240) 1308068160 2011-06-14 04:16 pm 0 0.0 hours 2016-01-19 04:09 am
24 Grogar (45:165) 1328062140 2012-02-01 02:09 am 15000 4.2 hours 2020-05-24 07:51 pm
25 Lyra (162:241) 1340802180 2012-06-27 01:03 pm 11880 3.3 hours 2020-05-31 07:17 am
26 Damone (106:241) 1344903660 2012-08-14 12:21 am 9180 2.5 hours 2020-06-02 04:37 pm
27 Stina (60:240) 1346227380 2012-08-29 08:03 am 900 0.2 hours 2019-12-12 12:19 pm
28 Jorem (94:241) 1365352800 2013-04-07 04:40 pm 13043 3.6 hours 2022-12-14 06:40 am
29 Mutiny (60:240) 1396799280 2014-04-06 03:48 pm 162212 45.1 hours 2023-07-24 05:27 pm
30 Lilitu (101:241) 1414252140 2014-10-25 03:49 pm 2699 0.7 hours 2019-07-06 10:24 pm
31 Akiji (100:241) 1419932280 2014-12-30 09:38 am 1941567 539.3 hours 2023-07-06 05:43 am
32 Kerrick (114:241) 1421721600 2015-01-20 02:40 am 261115 72.5 hours 2023-01-12 05:50 am

Recent clan activity

Time Event
2015-03-06 01:15 am Arathos has left clan Sanguine [18].
2015-03-06 01:14 am Kaser has left clan Sanguine [18].
2015-02-11 08:33 am Arathos has joined clan Sanguine [18].
2015-01-20 02:40 am Kerrick has joined clan Sanguine [18].
2014-12-30 09:38 am Akiji has joined clan Sanguine [18].
2014-10-25 03:49 pm Lilitu has joined clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 02:04 pm Ordieth has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 01:18 pm Dalamar has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 06:32 am Haez has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 06:17 am Niobi has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 06:05 am Cerylia has left clan Sanguine [18].
2014-06-22 06:01 am Lilitu has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].

Recent alliance activity

2013-01-19 05:49 pm Clan Wonderland [139] has been removed from Inverted Magenta [3] by Klaus of clan Sanguine [18].
2012-07-22 04:42 am Clan Alpha et Omega [140] has been removed from Inverted Magenta [3] by Klaus of clan Sanguine [18].
2012-05-28 01:27 pm Clan Timeworn [110] has been removed from Inverted Magenta [3] by Klaus of clan Sanguine [18].
2009-06-03 01:20 am Clan Apathy [27] has been removed from Inverted Magenta [3] by Klaus of clan Sanguine [18].
2007-12-01 05:50 pm Clan Aurora [105] has been removed from Inverted Magenta [3] by Klaus of clan Sanguine [18].
2006-10-05 07:22 pm Clan Sanguine [18] has created Inverted Magenta [3].