Posts: 46
Also on your player search link, after cliking it, you should have some sort of listing of "top" players or highest level players or active players something cause that screen looks kind of blank … with the links being off to the right it almost looks like you intended to put something there just never did. |
Posts: 46
To elaberate further into this: PK - more in-deapth tracking, or rankings, or ladders - only if you want to RUNS - Create guides for runs, or a listing of best payoff’s from runs maybe top 5 or so. Listing of keys for runs, and what mob has it. Something, Anything having to do with runs. SHIPS - Best areas to fight for ship types, or even break it down for small/medium/large. Just a little more info about ships (that the warf doesnt already have) Just my little bit of input for you. |
Id also like to see you guys swing into some of the major topics of MM. i.e. PK / RUNS / SHIPS ….
Posts: 168
Please detail. Guide section is coming asap. I will write a ship FAQ. I will get those updated Drahylin. Thanks for such an extensive post. You rock. :D |
Thornak Said: PK - more in-deapth tracking, or rankings, or ladders - only if you want to
Posts: 46
Since im getting a feeling that you guys are completly aginst the way PK Zone tracks pk’s. Since it turns people into the flee cause if i die my pk record looks bad. I was thinking more of a link under your References (or anywhere) of something like Player Killing. Inside here you could have a list of the Top 10 Pk’rs (using the number of kills from your site to list the 10) Then you could have a Active running pk tracker … where it shows you who has killed who recently (much like pk zones combat history page) only yours could take the road less traveled by removing the top section from pk zone’s where you dont track (well i have a 98% kill ratio) As to not get to crazy with this, i would just leave it as an active tracker and maybe a few lists ok pk’rs ("Top 10" - "Top 10 Cpk" - "Top 10 Npk" - "Top 10 Lpk" - "Top 10 Clan Pk") and if its not to hard, perhaps have a way to look at a "big list" just to see where you stand. This way it is different from PK Zone and has a slightly less (dont kill me cause it looks bad) effect. Other things that you could eventually add to this would be a place where you could do polls of the 5 best and 5 worst places to PK, a poll of the "whats the best PK race / class path today". I dont think you should add a section where it has the "ladders" since that seems to be the biggest reason people dont want to die cause it will "weaken" there pk record. Ill put a little more thought into it to see if i can come up with anything else that would be "new" or sort of new for your site to capture the pk side of things. Hopefully this helps you out with a little more detail of the craziness i was thinking. |
Going into more detail of what i was thinking.
Posts: 168
I don’t know if I speak for the whole clan, but I am completely against this part only. I would love to see combat history stop functioning on Pkzone permanently, like how it was in August/September. (Or have PKzone shut down completely) The rest of your ideas sound promising however coding heavy. Thanks for all your input Thorn. I’d love to hear more ideas you have some. :) |
Posts: 5
Rankings and Ladders really hurt PK. |
The most I suggest for PK going, would be something like PK Zone’s Combat History. Just a simple top 5 lists over the past 24 hours of who’s done what, and where.
Posts: 19
The descriptions for cancellation and nullification field need switching. |
Posts: 25
My main preference is just having all my needs met by one site rather than having to bounce around as I need things, and that would pretty much clinch it other than perhaps Northstar’s maps. |
When I made my suggestion I was merely giving out general ideas, not telling you guys to copy PKZone. I just think the current system is a little barebones, and what Thornak suggested sounds good to me. I don’t need a breakdown of how I have a 81.53254922134% win percentage, I’d just like to see a little more.
Posts: 5
None of the ones on other sites have all the new spells. |
You need a spellbook builder :(
Posts: 168
*This item may be repaired 4 times and renewed 4 times. |
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