Posts: 109
EDIT: Randomly looking about, noticing things that might help. Nothing too big though. I am probably repeating myself from my previous post, but this is more in-depth. I am only doing proficiencies at the moment…I am a bit iffy on spells, but I’ll check those out later. Also, you might want to clean up all of the comments…they look tacky. I put the ones I looked at in order. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=1 - Needs a trainer http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=2 - Needs a trainer - "Hand to Hand" should not be a related proficiency - Ditto "combat" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=3 - Also doesn’t trigger for "Magical Wand" I believe. - Needs a trainer - "combat" should be removed as a related proficiency http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=5 - "along with: Acrobatics, etc." Colon after with, since you are going into a list. Gramatically correct. - Remove the second period at the end of the description. - Related proficiencies; add "Parry", "Shield Block", "Magical Fade", "Second Defense". http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=6 - Maybe a longer description, if possible…seems a touch clipped. - Remove "combat" as a related proficiency http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=7 - Please note that Vittra’s comment is correct, and include, please. - Remove "Heal" as a related proficiency, and include "Enhanced Endurance" and "Meditation" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=8 - Related Proficiencies; "Spear" "Pike" "Polearm" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=9 - Remove "combat" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=10 - Remove "Use" and "Relics" for related proficiencies, and include "Multiply Magic" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=11 - Related proficiencies; add "Acrobatics", "Shield Block", "Magical Fade", "Second Defense". Remove "Kick" and "combat" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=13 - Related proficiencies; add "Acrobatics", "Parry", "Dodge", "Magical Fade", "Second Defense". http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=49 - Related proficiencies; add "Throwing", "Throwing Axe", "Throwing Knife", "Throwing Spear", "Herbalism" instead of "mix" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=60 - My note is still true. Should be updated on all relevant pages. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=64 - "have" should be "has" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=71 - Related proficiencies; add "Throwing", "Throwing Axe", "Throwing Knife", "Throwing Spear", "Herbalism" instead of "mix" http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=72 - "interpret" needs an ‘s’ at the end. Third line, first word. - "argument" is spelled "arguement". Seventh line, first word. - "find" needs an ‘s’ at the end. Eleventh line, fourth word from the right. Last edited on October 22, 2007 06:36pm. |
I build my spellbooks in Excel…but that really doesn’t help you. I agree that there should be a spellbook builder
Posts: 109
bump |
Posts: 168
If you guys find any errors in the skill/spell database, please let me know on this thread or send me a tell in game and I will do my best to update what I can. Last edited on October 23, 2007 09:42pm. Also, please post in a new post so I keep easier track of what I fix. Last edited on October 23, 2007 09:44pm. |
Ok. Edited a lot of the aforementioned skills/spells.
Posts: 168
We are aware of suggested search terms not currently working. |
Posts: 14
Well, something I was hoping to see was a way to search for scripted equipment and hardcore equipment. I really think it would be helpful. |
Posts: 168
You other suggestion is not so easy but we’ll see. |
Mr. Lako, searching under the tab: Required and then the field put ‘hardcore’ will yield you *most* HC items.
Posts: 109
http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=2 - Needs a trainer http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=7 - Remove "Heal" as a related proficiency, and include "Enhanced Endurance" and "Meditation" Moving on… http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=15 - Add some related proficiencies. I suggest "Axe", "Mace", "Spear"…the common one-handed weapons…although I am iffy on spear since it has it’s own set of "reach" weapons as well. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=16 - Definately needs trainers. I know for a fact (since one of my alts just trained it there) that it is trainable in Tellerium in the cavalier guild. Forget which guy though, the one on the left I think. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=20 - Mention, just for completeness, that it will only remove the SPELL "Curse", and won’t remove nodrop, nogive, and other such item flags. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=21 - There is no Druid equivalent of "Calm" - Add "Music" and "Herbalism" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=23 - Creates 3 pieces of food. - Add "Music", "Create Spring", and "Fountain" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=24 - Add "Create Food" and "Fountain" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=25 - Add "Fountain" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=26 - Add "Color Spray" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=27 - Add "Minerals Evocation", "Leech", and "Earth Invocation" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=28 - Add "Salt Invocation" and "Salt Evocation" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=29 - Add "Minerals Evocation", "Leech", and "Earth Invocation" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=30 - Add "Cure Disease" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=31 - Add "Music" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=34 - Add "Mace", "Staff", "Maul", "Bola", "Nunchaku", and "Yo-yo" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=36 - Add "Flail", "Staff", "Maul", "Bola", "Nunchaku", and "Yo-yo" as related proficiencies. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=37 - Add "Enhanced Endurance" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=39 - Add "Spear" as a related proficiency. http://www.annwn.info/skillsearch.php?display=40 - Requirement : You cannot be the alignment you are protecting against. i.e. Karynn is good… This spell would have no effect on her. Drahylin is evil… This spell would have no effect on him. (actual strings) |
I went back and double checked my previous comments nefore comtinuing on.
Posts: 109
Oh. When you look up a weapon skill, say, "Axe" you should have a link to an item search listing all of the axes. Just a feature that might help some newer players and streamline things for some of the older. |
Posts: 109
Item ‘a used wooden key’ is type key, alignment 0, made of wood, has keywords ‘used wooden key’. This item weighs 0 stones and 5 pebbles, and is valued at 250 gp. This level 10 item has the attributes: identified nodrop nouncurse vanish-death no-give A used wooden key looks well used. This key may be used 2 more times. *This item may be repaired 7 times. This key has been heavily used, and its teeth are all worn and smooth from use. It looks like it’ll still work, though, but not for very long. Still, might as well use it while you can. I looted it from "a dead child" in diocletian…but i don’t know if they is where they are always from. |
You focus your powers of observation on a used wooden key:
Posts: 46
Also you guys are missing clans on your clan list, just one that ive noticed so far is Moonlight Requiem. |