Posts: 4
Also, with respect to the PK rankings, a properly weighted rank system could negate the ratio whoring. Instead of displaying your ratio it could display your general pk ability kinda like how halo does its ranks (Yeah, I’m original) but basically bottom 50% is skill level 1, next 25% is 2, next 15% is 3, next 9% is 4 and the top 1% is 5. Getting killed by someone higher rank than you wouldn’t hurt you as much, and the further above you they are the less it matters for the rank. And also the corollary, Killing someone ranked lower than you wouldn’t boost you much. That was you can completely hide the actual kill/death ratio but still be able to gauge someones abilities. Behind the scenes everyone has points tied to them, +15 for killing higher ranked players, +10 for killing similar ranked, +1 for killing lower ranked, -15 for losing to lower ranked, -10 for losing to similar ranked, and -1 for losing to higher ranked. Probably weight CPK/NPK/LPK/CLANPK differently as well. Using those numbers you could display top 10 lists and such, and probably hide the numbers. Also, killing the same person over and over should be worth less each time to prevent abuse whether intentional or not. Might be kind of difficult to implement, and it might not work at all or just be stupid for all I know. But it sounds good to me after not sleeping for 48 hours… or something. Just thought I’d throw it out there. Last edited on September 9, 2008 05:51pm. |
In the mark database, it would be cool if you could enter which marks you currently have and current class so it could tell you which are left so completion whores can watch the the list shrink.
Posts: 291
as for rankings, well I don’t think we should have rankings at all. but I’ll certainly have to let someone else tackle the logistics side of that discussion. |
interesting idea about the marks.
Posts: 1
I really like Smyrna’s ideas. I personally love the PK rankings because you can sorta gauge how good somebody is and can actually see how well your doing compared to others. I know some people don’t like rankings but that’s what i really miss about pkzone… |
Posts: 1
If you’re going to compute win/loss % at all, it might be nice to break it down by ranges of average difference instead of as a complete average, so you can identify when folks are padding their stats by killing newbies. |
On the PK stats page, for the level difference, it would make more sense to compute the average of the differences instead of the difference between the current level and the total average.
Posts: 7
You could also remove PKZone from the links section. ;) |
Posts: 4
Since nobody seems to like pk rankings, and the MM rankings are not viewed any better, why not devise your own ranking system that’s….good? |
Posts: 7
2) Is it possible to add a right-click menu to the EQ Builder that would allow us to open a new tab/window for the item’s description? |
1) Allow us to search race/class requirements for items in the Requires part of Item Search. IE: Searching for a Fey-only item I’d simply click the Requires selection from the drop-down and type Fey in the search bar.
Posts: 1
Allow us to view / organize marks by date submitted so we can see the newest ones instead of having to dig through the list! :D |
Posts: 1
Conerning the character builder, I would like to see what skill/spell a chaacter will miss in a certain class path. |