Item: a bale of hay
Item 'a bale of hay' is type food, alignment 0, made of organic,
has keywords 'hay bale feed'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 15 pebbles, and is valued at 3,500 gp.
This level 100 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 30 minutes of sustenance.
This rather large pile of straw has been packed tightly together and
bound by twine to keep it falling apart. Usually used by the keepers of the
Lonely Dragon Inn to feed the animals. Small insects and rodents scurry
through the strands, gnawing on parts of the straw and twine, causing clumps
to fall from it.
Long description: A bale of hay sits here for the livestock to feed on.
This item can be found in The Lonely Dragon Inn.
This item is required by the following quests:
- Animal Cruelty (120-180) from Lord Vashir.
has keywords 'hay bale feed'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 15 pebbles, and is valued at 3,500 gp.
This level 100 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 30 minutes of sustenance.
This rather large pile of straw has been packed tightly together and
bound by twine to keep it falling apart. Usually used by the keepers of the
Lonely Dragon Inn to feed the animals. Small insects and rodents scurry
through the strands, gnawing on parts of the straw and twine, causing clumps
to fall from it.
Long description: A bale of hay sits here for the livestock to feed on.
This item can be found in The Lonely Dragon Inn.
This item is required by the following quests:
- Animal Cruelty (120-180) from Lord Vashir.