Item: buffalo eyeball goodness
Item 'buffalo eyeball goodness' is type food, alignment 0, made of flesh,
has keywords 'buffalo eyeball goodness'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 1,750 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 45 minutes of sustenance.
This bowl is exactly what it sounds like by its name. There is a huge eye
in the middle of the bowl along with some slices of buffalo meat it seems
like, all arranges around the eye. The contents are placed on top of some
kind of red sauce, but it's probably not blood...probably. You have no clue
how to eat this, or if you want to, but it can't be that bad if it's edible
by the orcs.
Long description: A plate with pieces of meat arranged around a huge eyeball is here.
This item can be found in Glarshak.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Glarshak by 'Prugdish, the expert hunter'.
This item is required by the following quests:
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Maldra.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lady Undya.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Agrippa.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Vashir.
has keywords 'buffalo eyeball goodness'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 12 pebbles, and is valued at 1,750 gp.
This level 10 item has no special attributes.
When eaten, this food will give 45 minutes of sustenance.
This bowl is exactly what it sounds like by its name. There is a huge eye
in the middle of the bowl along with some slices of buffalo meat it seems
like, all arranges around the eye. The contents are placed on top of some
kind of red sauce, but it's probably not blood...probably. You have no clue
how to eat this, or if you want to, but it can't be that bad if it's edible
by the orcs.
Long description: A plate with pieces of meat arranged around a huge eyeball is here.
This item can be found in Glarshak.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is sold in Glarshak by 'Prugdish, the expert hunter'.
This item is required by the following quests:
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Maldra.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lady Undya.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Agrippa.
- The Witches' Brew (180-241) from Lord Vashir.