Quest: The Witches' Brew
This quest [2159] is called 'The Witches' Brew',
for Adventurers levels 180 to 241.
This is a SEASONAL quest. It is available for a limited time.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
My eyes and ears around town have informed me that many townspeople have
been whispering about rumors that the famed witches of Dungeon Deceit may be
attempting to prepare an ancient recipe which could have dastardly effects
on our people. Three hundred years ago, the witches successfully completed
the concoction during this time of year, and managed to poison the drinking
water across the towns and villages of Alyria. Thousands of innocent lives
were lost before our mighty warriors were able to locate the witches and
stop the production of this horrific brew. I fear that the witches may once
again be attempting to create this famed recipe. Sometimes the witches can
be seen moving throughout Alyria gathering supplies for their cauldrons.
Follow their trail and in the end, put a stop to this madness!
May the Powers guide and protect you!
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 135 quest points, 14 practice points, 20,000 experience points,
0 build points, 0 piety, and 35,000 gold pieces.
*The item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three''.
*The item 'a small black vial labeled 'Potion Forty-Two''.
You have 1000 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
The Witches' Brew consists of:
for Adventurers levels 180 to 241.
This is a SEASONAL quest. It is available for a limited time.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
My eyes and ears around town have informed me that many townspeople have
been whispering about rumors that the famed witches of Dungeon Deceit may be
attempting to prepare an ancient recipe which could have dastardly effects
on our people. Three hundred years ago, the witches successfully completed
the concoction during this time of year, and managed to poison the drinking
water across the towns and villages of Alyria. Thousands of innocent lives
were lost before our mighty warriors were able to locate the witches and
stop the production of this horrific brew. I fear that the witches may once
again be attempting to create this famed recipe. Sometimes the witches can
be seen moving throughout Alyria gathering supplies for their cauldrons.
Follow their trail and in the end, put a stop to this madness!
May the Powers guide and protect you!
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 135 quest points, 14 practice points, 20,000 experience points,
0 build points, 0 piety, and 35,000 gold pieces.
*The item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three''.
*The item 'a small black vial labeled 'Potion Forty-Two''.
You have 1000 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
The Witches' Brew consists of:
Phase 1: Journey to Airy-Magick.
Phase 2: Recover some earthworm innards.
Phase 3: Recover a dolphin eye.
Phase 4: Recover buffalo eyeball goodness.
Phase 5: Journey to Carson's Magical Arts.
Phase 6: Recover eye of newt.
Phase 7: Journey to Laurie's Magic Shop.
Phase 8: Recover a snake fang.
Phase 9: Recover a rat carcass.
Phase 10: Recover a fried rat.
Phase 11: Recover the claws of a dungeon rat.
Phase 12: Recover a dark crystal vial.
Phase 13: Journey to Magical Brews.
Phase 14: Recover a vial of runestone powder.
Phase 15: Defeat A snow witch.
Phase 16: Defeat A frost witch.
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*Up to 135 quest points, 14 practice points, 20,000 experience points, and 35,000 gold pieces. *The item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three''. Item 'a small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three'' is type potion, alignment -100, made of glass, has keywords 'purple vial potion 33 thirty-three thirtythree transforming_potion'. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 1,087 gp. This level 1 item has the attributes: magic-resistant A small purple vial labeled 'Potion Thirty-Three' is in excellent condition. The vial is a dark purple. You can see by moving it around that there is some kind of liquid inside. A worn label on the front of the vial reads "Potion Thirty-Three". The potion is tightly stoppered with a piece of cork. *The item 'a small black vial labeled 'Potion Forty-Two''. Item 'a small black vial labeled 'Potion Forty-Two'' is type potion, alignment -100, made of glass, has keywords 'black vial potion 42 forty-two fortytwo fourtytwo transforming_potion'. This item weighs 0 stones and 3 pebbles, and is valued at 1,087 gp. This level 1 item has the attributes: magic-resistant A small black vial labeled 'Potion Forty-Two' is in excellent condition. The vial is a matte black. You can see by moving it around that there is some kind of liquid inside. A worn label on the front of the vial reads "Potion Forty-Two". The potion is tightly stoppered with a piece of cork. |
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive: