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Cwn Annwn

Item: an antique dwarven weapon

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Item 'an antique dwarven weapon' is type artifact, alignment 0, made of unknown,
has keywords 'dwarven antique weapon'.
This item weighs 0 stones and 20 pebbles, and is valued at 500 gp.
This level 20 item has the attributes: insulated wont-fuse bind-on-wear
This dwarven antique looks battered and damaged, but seems to be hidden
under a thick layer of soil, dirt and general grime accumulated over ages.  
As for why dwarven weapons are scattered here, you may never know.

+++ a dwarven antique, will, when used with one of the below arguments
(USE ANTIQUE #), purge the coat of dirt covering it and reveal the weapon

1 - Sword
2 - Dagger
3 - Spear
4 - Mace
5 - Axe
7 - Whip
8 - Polearm
9 - Bow
10 - Magical-wand
13 - Lance
14 - Pike
21 - Staff
22 - Scythe
33 - Hand-cannon

Long description: An antique dwarven weapon rests here, hidden by layers of dirt and grime.
This item can be found in Rune Forest.
Mobiles known to carry this item:
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'The ant guardian twin, Shk'.
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'The ant guardian twin, Szk'.
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'An icy lich'.
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'A skeletal necromancer'.
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'A crazed inventor'.
*This item is dropped in Rune Forest by the mob 'A thunderous stormlord'.