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Cwn Annwn

NPC: A surgeon

NPC: A surgeon
Long Desc: A surgeon is here performing a surgery on a patient.

The surgeon is wearing surgical garb from head to toe.  He has a white
mask covering his face so that he does not infect the patient, as well as
gloves for the same reason.  He is a much older man than you expected but
you have been told that he is one of the best surgeons in the land.

He is a human approximately 5'9" tall.

This NPC can be found in: Templeton.
  …in Surgery Room.
*This NPC is stationary.
This mob is required by the following quests:
- We've Lost the Patient !@# (60-120) from Lady Templeton.
- City Wide Health Care! (70-130) from Lady Templeton.
- Diseased Vermin (60-100) from Lady Templeton.
- Outrage! (60-120) from Lady Templeton.