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Cwn Annwn

Player: Asor

Asor (36:36) (#16862)
Race: half-elf
Gender: male
Classes: Paladin [skills]
First Seen: 2002-08-27 11:16 pm
Last Login: 2016-11-11 11:58 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 1040 (peak: 1072)

Clan activity

Time Event
2003-09-21 09:16 pm Asor has been removed from clan The Returners [117].
2003-08-03 03:43 am Asor has joined clan The Returners [117].
2003-02-13 10:20 pm Asor has been removed from clan Circle of Power [6].
2003-01-27 10:53 pm Asor has joined clan Circle of Power [6].
2003-01-13 12:39 am Asor has left clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2002-12-26 07:42 am Asor has joined clan Vampire's Mask [88].
2002-12-24 08:49 pm Asor has left clan Kizaran Alliance [95].
2002-12-21 01:41 am Asor has joined clan Kizaran Alliance [95].
2002-12-05 07:28 pm Asor has been removed from clan Blasphemy [45].
2002-11-20 07:48 pm Asor has joined clan Blasphemy [45].
2002-10-31 07:22 pm Asor has left clan Innuendo [32].
2002-10-31 02:50 am Asor has joined clan Innuendo [32].

Class activity

Time Class
2003-07-03 01:23 pm Asor is now a Rogue.
2002-10-20 04:43 am Asor is now a Psionic.

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2016-11-11 11:56 pm 2016-11-11 11:57 pm 1 min
2016-01-03 06:35 pm 2016-01-03 06:36 pm 1 min
2014-08-10 03:51 am 2014-08-10 03:52 am 59 sec
2014-03-14 12:33 am 2014-03-14 12:36 am 3 min
2014-03-12 06:40 pm 2014-03-12 10:57 pm 4 hours 17 min

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2003-08-10 07:01 pm Ich (55:175) 966 +15.0 Asor (37:157) 1055 -15.0 LPKA
2003-08-09 10:28 pm Reaperr (59:179) 953 +0 Asor (37:157) 1055 +0 NPK
2003-08-09 12:04 am Cadyn (40:160) 1119 +10.1 Asor (36:156) 1065 -10.1 LPKA
2003-08-02 08:02 pm Knightotri (112:241) 1251 +0 Asor (35:155) 1065 +0 NPK
2003-07-03 01:45 pm Nightshade (60:120) 1330 +0 Asor (2:122) 1065 +0 CPK
2003-06-28 03:22 am Ich (45:165) 991 +0 Asor (60:120) 1065 +0 LPKA
2003-06-28 03:12 am Asor (60:120) 1065 +0 Ich (45:165) 991 +0 LPKA
2003-01-30 11:51 pm Ressa (65:241) 874 +0 Asor (60:120) 1065 +0 NPK
2003-01-26 02:19 am Wildsoul (112:241) 1512 +0 Asor (59:119) 1065 +0 NPK
2003-01-21 01:40 am Asor (58:118) 1055 +9.3 Zedacar (58:118) 976 -9.3 LPKA