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Cwn Annwn

Player: Kizzel

Kizzel (85:241) (#7845)
Race: fey
Gender: male
Classes: Rogue, Barbarian, Shaman, Wizard [skills]
First Seen: 2002-06-19 05:20 pm
Last Login: 2018-05-12 05:51 pm
Time played this month: 0 sec
PK rating 958 (peak: 1168)

Clan activity

Time Event
2009-05-02 12:48 am Kizzel has been removed from clan Sanguine [18].
2007-11-05 05:22 am Kizzel has joined clan Sanguine [18].
2007-10-21 05:21 am Kizzel has left clan Empire [59].
2007-01-12 08:04 pm Kizzel has joined clan Empire [59].
2007-01-05 09:55 pm Kizzel has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2006-11-17 06:53 am Kizzel has joined clan Enigma [2].
2005-03-09 02:58 pm Kizzel has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2003-07-09 03:25 am Kizzel has joined clan Enigma [2].
2003-02-18 08:00 am Kizzel has been removed from clan Enigma [2].
2002-09-08 02:26 am Kizzel has joined clan Enigma [2].
2002-09-08 02:15 am Kizzel has been removed from clan Empire [59].
2002-07-26 04:23 pm Kizzel has joined clan Empire [59].
2002-07-12 07:26 pm Kizzel has been removed from clan The Order of Thanatos [97].
2002-07-04 10:57 pm Kizzel has joined clan The Order of Thanatos [97].

Class activity

Time Class

Recent login activity [more information]

Login Logoff Time online
2018-05-12 05:24 pm 2018-05-12 05:50 pm 26 min
2015-03-04 09:30 pm 2015-03-04 10:25 pm 55 min
2014-09-08 06:02 pm 2014-09-09 01:40 pm 19 hours 37 min
2014-01-01 03:50 pm 2014-01-02 03:56 am 12 hours 6 min
2013-10-26 04:26 am 2013-10-26 04:53 am 27 min 11 sec

Recent PK activity [more information]

Time Winner Loser PK type
2009-01-10 05:04 pm Kizzel (85:241) 958 +0 Bougie (60:240) 1394 +0 NPK
2008-12-24 05:09 pm Kizzel (85:241) 958 +0 Krait (60:120) 995 +0 NPK
2008-12-13 04:09 am Havoc (85:241) 1292 +3.1 Kizzel (85:241) 961 -3.1 LPKA
2008-12-13 03:54 am Havoc (85:241) 1277 +3.4 Kizzel (85:241) 965 -3.4 NPK
2008-12-05 10:27 pm Switch (62:241) 964 +12.4 Kizzel (85:241) 977 -12.4 NPK
2008-12-05 04:20 am Kizzel (85:241) 977 +0 Toothgnasher (60:180) 1051 +0 NPK
2008-12-01 06:35 am Banished (94:241) 1101 +8.1 Kizzel (85:241) 985 -8.1 NPK
2008-12-01 06:22 am Kizzel (85:241) 985 +0 Yankee (60:240) 1475 +0 NPK
2008-11-28 03:56 pm Solus (87:241) 990 +12.3 Kizzel (85:241) 997 -12.3 NPK
2008-11-15 06:44 pm Kizzel (85:241) 997 +0 Toothgnasher (57:177) 1023 +0 NPK