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Questmaster: Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle]
This quest is called 'Alliance Atlantis', for Adventurers levels 180 to 240.
Description of Alliance Atlantis:
As soon as I heard about a newfound city called Atlantis, I began sending
Adventurers out there to investigate. I am confident now that I have enough
information about Atlantis to take the next step. I want you to venture out
there and invite the leader to a meeting in one week's time so we can
discuss alliances. I believe they would be a good alliance to have. Also,
I want you to gather together some information about Atlantis' history to
perhaps impress my visitor with my knowledge of their land. May the Powers
guide and protect you!
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
to 85 quest points, 10 practice points, 50000 experience points, and 40000 gold pieces.
You have 400 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Alliance Atlantis consists of:
Phase 1: Visit An Atlantian merman.
Wonders around Atlantis. — Vur
Phase 2: Visit A mermaid.
From the NW corner of atlantis the Mermaid is east and north. — Cupcake
Phase 3: Visit The holy Avatar.
All north once you enter The Temple of Nadazar. — Vur
Phase 4: Recover the trident of the royal guard.
Guards in Atlantis drop these. (south from the king) — Kirali
Phase 5: Journey to The Vospire Library.
Mallan Lane, Vospire, NPK. — Jasra
Phase 6: Visit King Triton XVII.
From the down into Atlantis, all north. — Vur
Phase 7: Visit The chief thief of Atlantis.
Thieves guild in atlantis. Basically all south and east once. — Valiance
Phase 8: Visit The Archmage of Fire.
Volcano in Atlantis, must pass through cpk, lots of aggressive mobs — Kirali
Phase 9: Visit A deepspawn protector.
Go all south from the fountain, then east. From the chief thief's room, search to find a hidden east. This area is CPK. Take the north path past the dizzies until you can go down. The deepspawn protector is there. — Thralk
Phase 10: Visit The master paladin.
On the Western side of the Temple of Nadazar, which is in the Northeastern corner of Atlantis. — Thralk