Lord Vashir [
The Towne of New Rigel]
This quest is called 'Arch Upkeep!', for Adventurers levels
25 to
Description of Arch Upkeep!:
The Arch of the Heavens has come to be looking rather shabby lately. I
am entertaining religious and political leaders from Lowangen, and I need
Rigel looking its best. Thus I need you to go to the arch, and put a stop
to any vandalism on this landmark. Then consult the local janitors and have
them tidy up the arch, as well as a few guards to patrol it. Once you have
the arch clean and secure, inform the guests what time the party will begin.
After you have finished, pick up a small souvenir that looks like the arch
in which I can show at the dinner party. You will be greatly rewarded on
the completion of this quest!
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
55 quest points,
5 practice points,
12000 experience points, and
9500 gold pieces.
You have
240 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Arch Upkeep! consists of:
Phase 1: Journey to
Arch of the Heavens.
2E and 1N from intersection of Arch Drive and Lewis Street in New Rigel; several rooms have the same title but mine was completed in the second room upstairs —
Arch Drive, New Rigel. —
Found in New Rigel, 2 east and north from the intersection of Arch Drive and Lewis Street (several rooms have this name). —
Phase 4: Visit
A janitor.
Streets, Templeton. —
The one in New Rigel. —