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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Mind Control

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This quest [32182] is called 'Mind Control',
for Adventurers levels 25 to 250.
Lord Vendredi [Sigil] is the master in charge of this quest.
As a PSIONIC, you will learn spells that will help you control other
creatures. You can either submit them to your will or make them flee in
terror. Visit Arianus and learn how to cast the spells DOMINATION and
SPOOK. Once you feel comfortable bending the will of others, head to
Lowangen to practice the spell IRRITATION. Sorina is a master healer
and can teach you some insight into the inner workings of one who is ill.
Stop by the root shop in New Rigel on your way to Lowangen. Give Sorina a
root for her collection as payment for her services. Use this information
to learn how to convince someone that they have the plague. After visiting
Sorina, talk with one of the local city guards and see if there are any
opportunities to put one of these new spells to use.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 5 quest points, 4 practice points, 25,000 experience points,
 3 build points, 0 piety, and 1,500 gold pieces.
You have 250 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Mind Control consists of:
Phase 1: Visit Arianus, the master mage.
Phase 2: Visit Jacquard.
Phase 3: Locate and deliver a gnuru root to Sorina.
Phase 4: Visit A burly city guard.
Phase 5: Defeat A disgusting gray rat.