Lord Vendredi [
This quest is called 'Wizard Passage', for Adventurers levels
45 to
Description of Wizard Passage:
A few handy spells that wizards can cast are 'MAGIC UNLOCK,' 'MAGIC
LOCK' and 'PASS DOOR.' 'PASS DOOR' allows the caster to walk
through solid objects provided they are not magically enhanced in any way.
'MAGIC LOCK' and 'MAGIC UNLOCK' are used to seal or open doors. The
scrolls for 'PASS DOOR' and 'MAGIC LOCK' can be found in the Focault
Magic Equipment Company on the east side of Rune. Travel there to get more
information on the area before heading to Marmum's Magic School in New Rigel
to find the scroll for 'MAGIC UNLOCK.' Head back to rune and learn how
to cast the spell from Jacquard. Finally, visit Lord Agrippa and see if he
has any use for you. You might be able to put one of your new skills to
good use.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
55 quest points,
6 practice points,
50000 experience points, and
3500 gold pieces.
You have
300 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Wizard Passage consists of:
Phase 6: Journey to
Small Corridor.
Should trigger on first "small corridor" room on the ground floor en route to teleport room —