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Cwn Annwn

Quest: Runic VIPs

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This quest [1588] is called 'Runic VIPs',
for Adventurers levels 10 to 30.
Lord Agrippa [Runic Castle] is the master in charge of this quest.
You are still a young adventurer, and there are many interesting people
you should visit to learn more about the world. Journey into Rune and
around my castle and visit these important people. Many people in Rune look
up to these people, so I think it is important you meet them. Although
talking to them in person is reward enough, upon your return I will give you
a little something also.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive:
*Up to 25 quest points, 2 practice points, 15,000 experience points,
 0 build points, 0 piety, and 3,000 gold pieces.
You have 120 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Runic VIPs consists of:
Phase 1: Visit The frog hunter.
Phase 2: Visit Victoria Wurth.
Phase 3: Visit Kirra the head cook.