Room: The Van Pelt Reward Emporium
This room is within Van Pelt's Emporium.
Center map on The Van Pelt Reward Emporium
The Van Pelt Reward Emporium - - NE (-------------------------------------------------) W <---(M)---> E - S - Welcome to the Van Pelt Reward Emporium, the heart of the great Van Pelt merchant house. Built on a land parcel granted by Lord Agrippa to Devon Van Pelt for the great service to the throne and the Council of Seven by the Van Pelt family, this grand stone building houses the first and largest of the Van Pelt family's businesses. Rumor has it that construction of the entire building took place in a single night. From this impressive front room, three velvet-curtained doorways lead into the rest of the Emporium and a small golden plaque has been installed into the wall of the entranceway wall. A large woman with an ample bosom eyes you as she walks about, tending to the room.