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Cwn Annwn

Room: Western Gate

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This room is within Cavhfail.

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Center map on Western Gate

 Western Gate                                           -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

A large marble gate towers above Cavhfail's threshold, barring the city
from the wilds to the west.  The air is very clear, all dust settled on the
dirt road.  Few natural sounds can be heard, a near vacuum enveloping the
place.  No winds blows, as people silently walk through the street in the
distance to the east.  
A beautiful fey woman is here fluttering her eyelashes at you.
    You sense a hidden life form in the area.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.
A Cavhfail gateguard protects the city from intruders.