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Cwn Annwn

Room: Blue Crescent Tavern

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This room is within Cavhfail.

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Center map on Blue Crescent Tavern

 Blue Crescent Tavern                                   -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

Tables and chairs have been scattered about the room in no particular
pattern.  Stools have been lined against a piece of wood along the north
wall.  A few empty glasses have been turned over on the bar while a few
patrons still drink from their brew.  A broken glass sits swept together at
the end of the bar waiting to be picked up.  A chair sits at a table
beckoning you to have a seat and take a drink of the fine ale.  
Cortez, the sagacious faerie bartender hands out drinks.
''Alo Numi, would ye be interested in a fine brew?' Cortez, the bartender asks you.

Cortez, the sagacious faerie bartender hands out drinks.


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