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Room: Melee War Supplies

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This room is within Cavhfail.

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Center map on Melee War Supplies

 Melee War Supplies                                     -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

The walls are lined with shelves full of boxes of bombs.  A counter
separates you from the shop keeper.  The structure of this building looks
weak and ready to collapse.  The soil comprising the ground is peculiar in
that is bears many metal fragments.  The smell of black powder, glycerine
and other explosives fill your nostrils.  
Lorecylg stands behind a counter, making sure nobody touches the merchandise.
Lorecylg, the bombkeeper arches his good eyebrow at you.
'Numi, Yod boost bah goddin isah deh Keep, befin enida says ya.' Lorecylg, the bombkeeper says to you. ''Fnya fir got, poosord's secna purt bah whisky.'

Lorecylg stands behind a counter, making sure nobody touches the merchandise.


A list of player-usable shops which supply items