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Cwn Annwn

Room: Inn Registry

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 Inn Registry                                           -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
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This small room is where the attendant registers people staying at the
Fangtooth Inn.  The floor is made of carefully laid marble tiles, which are
very unusual in barren Cavhfail.  The walls of this room are homely wooden
slats.  The sound of silence penetrates this room, as everything is still,
and the attendant is silent and oblivious.  On the desk there seems to be an
outbox.  Zissi must be the person who processes all Cavhfail mail.  
     A large oak desk piled with papers separates you and the attendant.
Zissi, looks befuddled as she forgets her purpose.
'Mail's slow 'round these parts, try again later.' Zissi the confused says to you.
Zissi, looks befuddled as she forgets her purpose.