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Room: Triple Arch of Diocletian

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Center map on Triple Arch of Diocletian

 Triple Arch of Diocletian                              NW     N     NE 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      S      -

Immediately after the establishment of the tetrarchy, Diocletian erected
this great triple-passageway arch to commemorate the power of his kingdom. 
The second-century reliefs of the arch are fashioned to honor himself and
his three emperors, and have been labeled, Fundator Quietus (bringer of
peace) and Liberator Urbis (liberator of the city).  Roughly 60 feet in
height, the arch serves as an example of the monumental scale to which the
Palace of Diocletian has been built.  To the left and right of the arch span
two equally high fortified walls which encase the complex.  The archways to
your northwest, north, and northeast are the only entry ways to the palace. 
     A fountain engraved with silver runes is flowing gently here.


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