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Room: Information Center and Public Relations

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Level: 0

Center map on Information Center and Public Relations

 Information Center and Public Relations                -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

In the corner of the of the room is a small circular booth, waist high,
and maintained by a extremely cheerful elderly women.  Various palace
information pamphlets have been stacked on the table top, surrounded by
compact, but highly detailed charcoal renderings of the Imperial Residence. 
Among the prestigious pamphlets are several complementary palace badges.  A
large rectangular directory has been erected next to the booth, displaying
the entire floor map of the structure.  The geometric nave arcade extends to
your north and east.  
Denise, the help desk girl, is here providing information to the palace visitors.
Denise, the help desk girl, is here providing information to the palace visitors.