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Cwn Annwn

Room: Inside the Wondrous Imperial Residence

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This room is within Palace of Diocletian.

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Center map on Inside the Wondrous Imperial Residence

 Inside the Wondrous Imperial Residence                 -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      S      -

Immediately you are stuck by the great interior space before you.  A
great dome in the center crowns the Imperial Palace, creating an indoor
interior of ungodly proportions.  Brilliant light glitters into the nave
arcade to your north, illuminating from the dome high above the center of
the structure.  Between the smaller western and eastern domes, stand four
mighty piers of stone, and from them spring great arches, four in all.  As
they rise slowly in the air, each separates from the other, and the spaces
between them are filled with wondrous skill, for curved walls touch the
arches on either side and spread over until they all unite creating the
heavenly central dome.  Processions of busy residents walk upon the
emerald-green marble that paves the floor, some of who are admiring the
majestic building as you.  Far to the north, you can see a monumental
chamber, and the building exit to your south.  
A sparrow flutters around the crowd, trying not to be trampled.
An elite warrior mage stands sentry duty.