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Cwn Annwn

Room: Top of Kessler's Tower

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This room is within Tellerium.

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Level: 0

Center map on Top of Kessler's Tower

 Top of Kessler's Tower                                 -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

A powerful rune marked above the trapdoor sends out a blast of chilling frost!
Blasts of frost from the rune freeze you!
A trainee guard's uniform splits and cracks from the intense cold!

  This perfectly round room topping this tower is the domain of the wizard
Kessler.  Quite a disorienting room without corners, your fighter's
instincts causes you to be uncomfortable and alert to possible attack in any
room where you cannot let the building guard two sides.  
Impressed that you found him, Kessler will teach you the magical arts.
Impressed that you found him, Kessler will teach you the magical arts.