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Cwn Annwn

Room: Campsite

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This room is within Maldra Keep.

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 Campsite                                               -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -     SE

A small camp has been set up, but there is nobody around tending to it. 
You feel a sharp pain in your head, and notice several mind flayers fading
into existance.  These ill tempered creatures do not take kindly to
intruders and intend to force you to leave.  The headache they give makes
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.
A white haired quaggoth is feeding on the remains of a captured drow.