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Cwn Annwn

Room: Columned Portico

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This room is within Hotel Hello.

Center map on Columned Portico

 Columned Portico                                       -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      #      -

'Welcome to Hotel Hello.' a native doorman says. 'Veldra asks that I lock the gate after new arrivals. Don't worry, I am sure you will find your own way out in time.'
A native doorman ushers everyone into the hotel.

  Tall graceful marble columns rise several stories above your head,
supporting an overhanging vine-covered balcony on the third floor of the
Hotel Hello.  A pair of double doors, finished with beaten copper sheets,
open into the retreat to the north, while a stone walkway similar to the
main one wraps around the front of the hotel to the west and east.  A set of
grand wrought-iron gates are welded into the spiked fence to the south.  The
gates clang open and shut in the wind, like the tolling of a death bell.  
The south gate closes from the other side.
You hear a faint *click* from the south gate.