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Cwn Annwn

Room: A Prison Cell

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This room is within Tower of Riga.

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 A Prison Cell                                          -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     # <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

Although this room was once a prison cell many years ago, it was been
officially abandoned long ago when the druids lost control of the tower. 
The last prisoner who used this cell is now a skeletal corpse hanging from
chains on the wall.  Apparently the ariels don't feed the poor souls they
lock in this dank space.  The walls are scarred with marks from where
terrified prisoners have scratched at them and the floor is littered with
shards of metal and bone.  West from here is an iron door.  
     A rusty iron chain lies here.
A drow prisoner is here, chained to the wall.
An ogre prisoner is here, chained to the wall.
A drow prisoner is here, chained to the wall.

An ogre prisoner is here, chained to the wall.
A drow prisoner is here, chained to the wall.