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Cwn Annwn

Room: Runic Temple

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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Center map on Runic Temple

 Runic Temple                                           -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> #
                                                        -      -      -

This is the Runic Temple, a large and impressive white marble building. 
Beautiful murals are painted on the walls, depicting various Powers.  There
is a marble archway on the west that leads to the other areas of the temple,
such as the Tourist Center, Donation Room and Health Center.  The archway to
the east leads to the beautiful Garden of Life.  
     A voodoo doll that looks strangely like Sanacht has been placed here.
     A voodoo doll that looks strangely like Althor has been placed here.
     A voodoo doll that looks strangely like Nirix has been placed here.
     A voodoo doll that looks strangely like Taeron has been placed here.
     A voodoo doll that looks strangely like Stormy has been placed here.
     A magical spring flows gently from the ground.
A white-robed cleric is standing here, smiling to all who pass.
A one-legged, one-eyed gnome stands here, waiting for someone.


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