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Cwn Annwn

Room: Goldwell Manor

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 Goldwell Manor                                         -      N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
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Goldwell Manor strikes a perfect balance between good taste and
lavishness.  Built of the finest materials, nothing has been chosen for any
reason other than it's the best and pleased the purchaser.  Still, it is not
a relaxed or comfortable home and you wonder how the charming Lady Telleri
could have come from such starchy surroundings.  
Lady Goldwell looks down at you as though you were nothing more than street scum.
Lady Goldwell looks at you.
'Numi, I can't believe you entered my home wielding a weapon!' Lady Goldwell exclaims.
Lady Goldwell looks down at you as though you were nothing more than street scum.