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Cwn Annwn

Room: Meldar's Fortune Telling

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 Meldar's Fortune Telling                               -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

Sailors are a superstitious lot and Meldar has built a profitable
business exploiting this fact.  Normally shunning the standard crystal ball
and palmistry as trite, he practices the more advanced and accurate reading
of tea leaves and tarot cards.  It's not unusual to have Meldar's
predictions figured into the course plotted by an outgoing ship.  
     A crystal ball reflects the light into your eyes.
Meldar stares deep into a crystal ball looking for the future.
'Welcome, Numi.' Meldar says to you. 'If you will but cross my palm with 1,000 gold pieces, I will perform a divination for you.'

Meldar stares deep into a crystal ball looking for the future.