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Cwn Annwn

Room: Riding Tactics

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Center map on Riding Tactics

 Riding Tactics                                         NW     N      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     W <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      -      -

Here is an interesting room, apparently dedicated to teaching the horse
as much as the rider judging by the diagrams on the walls and the lessons
outlined on the chalkboard.  A cavalier is only a complete warrior when
teamed with a trained war horse, the momentum of the huge charging beast
adding to the power of his weapon attack.  
A young minotaur combat student is admiring the town between classes.
The trainer is teaching students in the arts of defense and riding tactics.
'I'll be a mighty warrior soon!' a young minotaur combat student exclaims. 'Shall we spar a bit, Numi?  '
The trainer is teaching students in the arts of defense and riding tactics.