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Room: Elvish Delight

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This room is within The Towne of New Rigel.

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 Elvish Delight                                         -      #      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
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This bar is the oldest elven establishment in New Rigel, and it has a
long and splendid history.  The owner is proud of his heritage, and it shows
by his choice of decor.  Animal pelts line the ceiling.  Accompanied by a
mosaic of longbows and arrows.  Pictures of elven leaders and replicas of
famous elven artifacts are scattered across the walls as decoration.  The
owner likes to restrict his clientele to elves only, but he lets the
occasional non-elf guest slip in every now and then.  
A patron enjoys a nice drink from the woodlands of elf country.
Malfoy watches closely so that only elves are allowed in his establishment.

Malfoy watches closely so that only elves are allowed in his establishment.
A patron enjoys a nice drink from the woodlands of elf country.


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