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Cwn Annwn

Room: New Rigel Visitor Information Center

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This room is within The Towne of New Rigel.

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Center map on New Rigel Visitor Information Center

 New Rigel Visitor Information Center                   -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> -
                                                        -      #      -

This large and rather oddly-shaped room is one of the main reasons for
New Rigel success as a tourist attraction.  The visitor information center
offers helpful tips on places to go and things to do in the city, and has
been the model for other towns trying to attract more visitors.  The room is
nearly circular, but is cleverly designed to have many different walls, each
of which is dedicated to a different attraction.  
Mathin sits behind the counter ready to field questions about New Rigel.
Mathin says, 'Numi, for 100 pieces of gold I can give you a map of our town.'

Mathin sits behind the counter ready to field questions about New Rigel.