Lady Templeton [
This quest is called 'Luck Jungle Run', for Adventurers levels
60 to
Description of Luck Jungle Run:
An adventurer like you is expected to prove his courage regularly in
order to retain the respect of other adventurers. I would like you to go to
the Ogre Village to explore the forest area as well as visit all the places
and people on this list. This area is quite dangerous and several of the
creatures in the area will attack you on sight. This may well be a tough
run for such an inexperienced adventurer like you, but you will have proven
your courage if you can complete it. Hurry back with a full report and I
will reward your efforts handsomely.
Upon successful completion of this quest you can receive up
60 quest points,
5 practice points,
40000 experience points, and
12000 gold pieces.
You have
200 minutes remaining to complete this quest.
Luck Jungle Run consists of:
Phase 1: Journey to
An Abandoned Hut.
The entrance to Ogre Village. Ogre Village lies east (a little north as well) of Templeton and can be seen with survey. —
Phase 2: Journey to
A Shady Inlet.
This is the recall of Ogre Village, from the entrance go S SE SE NE E E NE. —
Phase 3: Journey to
A Bend in Stinkfish River.
This is the first east going into the NPK river. From A Shady Inlet go S SE S SW SW S S SW S and east into the NPK. —
Phase 4: Journey to
A Curious Clearing.
I think this is 2w, nw of A Bend in Stinkfish River, but I wouldn't know because a mysterious whysteria vine (a strong, no-flee mob) killed me in just a few rounds. —
I don't think that clearing is the one.. got killed by the wisteria vine too.. :/ —
Yes, the place is right where Hailaria says. Be ready to cast 'calm' (or eat calm mixes, or throw smoke bombs?) if you can't beat the whysterias. —
Phase 6: Visit
south and eastish from the abandoned hut —