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Cwn Annwn

Room: The Perplexed Otter

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This room is within Towne of Rune.

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 The Perplexed Otter                                    -      -      - 
(-------------------------------------------------)     - <---(M)---> E
                                                        -      -      -

This is the Perplexed Otter, an established restaurant that has been here
for several hundreds of years.  Beautiful wood furnishings and expensive
glass fixtures add to the place's feeling of richness and intrigue, for it
is sometimes a gathering place for thieves and assassins.  A brick fireplace
in the eastern wall gives the room a cheery warmth and a flickering glow
which seems to drive the shadows away.  There is a sign on the wall.  The
street exit is to the east.
A loud, obviously drunk man is making a nuisance of himself.
Dandrel watches you calmly, while he skillfully mixes a drink.
Banath is here, drowning his sorrows with alcohol.